Learning never ends and sharing what you learn is as important as the knowledge itself.

Those who can’t do teach. Really?
For me, it’s the responsibility of those who “can do and have done” to teach.
Whether it’s leading and mentoring a team or guiding a classroom, sharing what we know is a privilege and joy.

Coach & Mentor

FTC Robotics Team Coach 4-Years

First Robotics of Michigan - Coach Russ

For several years I was given the honor of coaching the Elementary, Middle and later High School robotics teams locally. I learned more than I could possibly have taught from the other coaches, parents and each one of the wonderful students.

I did create the first two logos above but not the third. Both of the first two were created from sketches and ideas submitted by the team members when naming their new team.

You can see more of my logo design work on my logos and branding page.

A national STEM based competitive program, we engaged with the kids exploring robot design from sketch to CAD renderings, programming and manufacture of the robot were great, but we also taught the kids marketing, documentation, shop safety, community engagement and so much more.


In Classrooms & In The Office

I started in education.

With a desire to guide young minds and help channel the creativity of those still unencumbered by the weights of their impending life, I pursued and completed a Bachelor of Science in Education degree. I received duel majors in K-12 Fine Art Education and Secondary Earth Science Education (Astronomy, Meteorology, and Geology). My Art Education degree works well with my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree (BFA).


I taught drawing at a small art school (Art Reach, which was in a different building when I was there) in Mt. Pleasant Michigan while completing my degrees at CMU, and after college taught briefly at a software training company called Linnista. There I taught Art Directors and Creative Directors the latest design software (Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker, and Quark XPress).


I ended up getting a job as a designer before a teaching job and it has paid my bill for years. I’ve carried my passion for teaching with me into every business environment available to me and enjoy to this day the sharing of knowledge and experience. More than once I’ve been required to set up training programs for various companies. Examples include:

  • Developing new interdepartmental SOP and supporting training materials
  • Detailed training curriculum and materials for digital illustrators for online animation
  • B2B client training documentation
  • ISO 9000 departmental standards documentation (for quality standardization and used to train new hires)

Feel Free to Reach Out
& Say Hello!

Questions, queries, ponders or for pointers.

11 + 13 =